Módulo I

I. The Procedure before the International Court of Justice


1ª Sessão – 21 de março

1.  [General introduction to the course – The sources of the rules on procedure: Statute, Rules and general principles of procedure]

2.  [The adversarial character of the procedure before the ICJ]


2ª Sessão – 28 de março

3.  [The use of chambers of the Court: the lack of interest in the special chambers and in the chambers of summary procedure]

4.  [The role of States in the selection of judges: Ad hoc chambers; ad hoc judges]


3ª Sessão – 4 de abril

5.  [Jurisdiction of the Court: the principle of State’s consent; forum prorogatum]

6.  [Unilateral declaration of acceptance of the jurisdiction of the Court]


4ª Sessão – 9 de abril

7.  [Admissibility of claims: the distinction between admissibility of a claim and jurisdiction of the Court]

8.  [Indispensable third party]


5ª Sessão – 11 de abril

9. [Evidence before the ICJ]

10. [The use of experts by the ICJ]


6ª Sessão – 16 de abril

11.  [Provisional measures: main requirements]

12.  [Legal effects of provisional measures]


7ª Sessão – 18 de abril

13.  [Opening the ICJ to third States: Intervention under Article 62 of the Statute]

14.  [Intervention under Article 63; a possible role for amici curiae?]


8ª Sessão – 23 de abril

15. [Effects of the judgments of the ICJ: the notion of res iudicata]

16.  [The implementation of judgments of the ICJ within the domestic legal orders of States]


9ª Sessão – 25 de abril

17.  [The advisory function of the ICJ: selected problems on procedural issues]

18.  [The use of the advisory function of the ICJ by the UN]


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Módulo II

II. The contribution of the ICJ to dispute settlement and to the development of international law(9/5/2013-18/6/2013)


1ª Sessão – 9 de maio

1.  [The use of the ICJ by States – The new vitality of the ICJ – Recent signs of a change in attitude?]

2.  [Opening the ICJ to international organizations – The possible role of individuals and NGOs before the Court]


2ª Sessão – 14 de maio

3.  [The ICJ as an organ of the United Nations – Judicial review of acts of UN organs by the ICJ]

4.  [The role of the ICJ in the maintenance of international peace and security]


3ª Sessão – 16 de maio

5.  [The ICJ and other international tribunals – The overlapping jurisdiction of the ICJ and of other international tribunals]

6.  [The dialogue between the ICJ and other tribunals – The risk of fragmentation of international law because of the proliferation of international tribunals]


4ª Sessão – 21 de maio

7.  [The determination of customary international law by the ICJ]

8.  [The ICJ and jus cogens]


5ª Sessão – 28 de maio - das 09:30h às 13:00h.

11.  [The ICJ and general principles of international law]

12.  [Unilateral acts, decisions of international tribunals, doctrine]


6ª Sessão – 28 de maio - das 16:00 às 20:00h.

9. [The ICJ and the law of treaties – The notion of treaty - Reservation]

10. [The interpretation of treaties – Invalidity or termination of a treaty]


7ª Sessão – 4 de junho

13.  [The ICJ and the law of State responsibility: attribution]

14.  [The ICJ and the law of State responsibility: reparation, countermeasures and obligations erga omnes]


8ª Sessão – 6 de junho

15. [The ICJ and the law of the sea]

16.  [The ICJ and international environmental law]


9ª Sessão – 18 de junho

17.  [The ICJ and the law on the use of force]

18.  [General conclusions]




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